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#470 Leafeon

Hey everyone!

Today, I believe, I have the cutest pattern to date. This isn't even my favourite pokemon but somehow I think the design for him came out so much more adorable than some others that I've made.

Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x6 (18)
Round 4: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24) 
Round 5: [2SC, SCx3]x6 (30) 
Round 6: [2SC, SCx4]x6 (36)
Round 7: [2SC, SCx5]x6 (42)
Round 8: [2SC, SCx6]x6 (48)  
Round 9 - 14: SCx48 (48, 6 rounds) 
Round 15: SCx8, 2SCx3, SCx37 (51)
Round 16: SCx51 (51)
Round 17: SCx8, SC2togx3, SCx37 (48)
Round 18: [SC2tog, SCx6]x6 (42) 
Round 19: [SC2tog, SCx5]x6 (36) 
Round 20: [SC2tog, SCx4]x6 (30) 
Round 21: [SC2tog, SCx3]x6 (24) 
Round 22: [SC2tog, SCx2]x6 (18) 
Round 23: SCx18 (18)
Round 24: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24) 
Round 25 - 26: SCx24 (24, 2 rounds) 
Round 27: [2SC, SCx3]x6 (30)
Round 28: DCx15, SCx15 (30)
Leave a long tail to sew to body later. Stuff firmly, making sure to push extra stuffing into the increases in round 17 which is where the nose is.

Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x6 (18)
Round 4: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24)
Round 5: [2SC, SCx3]x6 (30)
Round 6: [2SC, SCx4]x6 (36)
Round 7 - 16: SCx36 (36, 10 rounds)
Round 17: [SC2tog, SCx4]x3, SCx18 (33)  
Round 18: [SC2tog, SCx3]x3, SCx18 (30)
Round 19 - 23: SCx30 (30, 5 rounds) [You may wish to leave a stitch marker 6 - 7 stitches into round 23 as this will mark the way the body should face - stitch marker facing down as the decreases are where the stomach is) 
Round 24: [2SC, SCx3]x3, SCx18 (33)
Round 25: [2SC, SCx4]x3, SCx18 (36)
Round 26 - 33: SCx36 (36, 8 rounds)
Round 34: [SC2tog, SCx4]x6 (30) 
Round 35 [SC2tog, SCx3]x6 (24) 
Stuff firmly but ensuring you keep the decreased rounds so the stomach curves in slightly.
Round 36: [SC2tog, SCx2]x6 (18)
Round 37: [SC2tog, SC]x6 (12)
Round 38: SC2togx6 (6)
Sew closed. Sew the head onto the body.

Cream - make 4
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x6 (18)
Round 4 - 6: SCx18 (18, 3 rounds)
Round 7: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24)
Round 8 - 10: SCx24 (24, 3 rounds) 
Row 1: SCx12, chain and turn (12)
Row 2: SCx11, chain and turn (11)
Row 3: SCx10, chain and turn (10)
Row 4: SCx9, chain and turn (9)
Row 5: SCx8, chain and turn (8)
Stuff the front legs lightly and stuff the back legs firmly. That way the front legs will seem smaller than the back legs. Sew onto the body so the rows are on the outside of the body.

Brown - make 4 
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: 2SCx3, SCx3, 2SCx3, SCx3 (18)
Round 4: SCx18 (18)
Round 5: SC2togx6, SCx6 (12)
Round 6 - 7: SCx12 (12, 2 rounds) change to cream 
Round 8 - 9: SCx12 (12, 2 rounds) 
Round 10: [2SC, SC]x6 (18) 
Round 11: SCX18 (18)
Then SC into the next stitch to complete the join. Stuff lightly and then sew onto the leg so the front part faces forward. 

Make 4 - start with darker of the two shades of green
When changing colour, it may help to leave a long tail for the colour you just changed from in order to sew the two pieces together in the end.
Row 1: CH2, SCx2 in the 2nd stitch from the hook, chain and turn (2)
Row 2: 2SCx2, chain and turn (4)
Row 3: SCx4, chain and turn (4)
Row 4: SC, 2SCx2, Chain 2 (7)
Row 5: From the 2nd chain from the hook SC,  then back in the normal row SCx3, chain 3, turn (7)
Row 6: From the 2nd chain from the hook, SCx2, then back in normal row SCx4, chain and turn (6)
Row 7: SC, [2SC, SC]x2, SC, chain and turn (8)
Row 8 - 9: SCx8, chain and turn (8, 2 rows) change to lighter shade of green
Row 10: SCx8, chain and turn (8)
Row 11: SCx7, chainx2, turn (9)
Row 12: From the 2nd chain from the hook SC, then into normal row, SCx7  chain and turn (8) change to cream
Row 13: SC2tog, SCx4, SC2tog  chain and turn (6)
Row 14: SCx6, chain and turn (6)
Row 15: SC2tog, SCx2, SC2tog, chain and turn (4)
Row 16: SCx4, chain and turn (4)
Row 17: SC2togx2 chain and turn (2)
Row 18: SCx2 (2)
Leave a tail for 2 of the pieces to sew front and back pieces together and then onto the head. For the remaining 2, finish off.
On 2 of the pieces, felt on some black lines to mark out the leaf and felt on brown for the inside of the ear. Then sew together and sew onto the head. Make sure to leave enough room for the yellow head pointed pieces. Felt on the eyes and nose.

Head Spikes
Make 2
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: SCx6 (6)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x3 (9)
Round 4: SCx9 (9)
Round 5: [2SC, SCx2]x3 (12)
Round 6: [2SC, SC]x6 (18) 
Round 7 - 8: SCx18 (18, 2 rounds)
Leave a long tail on both. Flatten one and sew onto the back of the head. Very lightly stuff the other and sew that to the middle of the top of the head standing up between the ears. 

Make 2
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: SCx6 (6)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x3 (9)
Round 4: [2SC, SCx2]x3 (12)
Round 5: [2SC, SC]x6 (18) 
Round 6 - 7: SCx18 (18, 2 rounds)
Leave a tail on both. Sew onto the top of the head on either side of the bigger spike that was sewn on as above.

Make 2:
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: SCx6 (6)
Sew onto the sides of the head next to the other side of the ear to the top spikes.

Make 2 - start with darker of the two shades of green
When changing colour, it may help to leave a long tail for the colour you just changed from in order to sew the two pieces together in the end.
Row 1: CH2, SCx2 in the 2nd stitch from the hook, chain and turn (2)
Row 2: 2SC, SC, chain and turn (3)
Row 3: SCx2, 2SC, chain and turn (4)
Row 4: SCx2, 2SCx2, chain and turn (6)
Row 5: 2SCx2, SCx2, SC2tog, chain and turn (7)
Row 6: SCx7, chain and turn (7)
Row 7: 2SC, SCx6, chain and turn (8)
Row 8:SC2tog, SCx5, 2SC, chain and turn (8)
Row 9 - 12: SCx8, chain and turn (8, 4 rows)
Row 13: SC2tog, SCx5, 2SC chain and turn (8)
Row 14: 2SC, SCx5, SC2tog, chain and turn (8)
Row 15: SC2tog, SCx5, 2SC chain and turn (8)
Row 16: SCx6, chainx3 (9)
Row 17: From 2nd chain from the hook, SCx2, then back into main piece, SCx6, chain and turn (8)
Row 18 - 19: SCx8, chain and turn (8, 2 rows)
Row 20: SC2tog, SCx4, chx3 (8)
Row 21: From 2nd chain from the hook, SCx2, then back in the main piece, SCx5, chain and turn (7)
Row 22: SCx7, chain and turn (7) change to light green
Row 23: SCx5, chainx3 (8)
Row 24: From the 2nd chain from the hook, SCx2, then back in the main piece, SCx5, chain and turn (7)
Row 25 - 26: SCx7, chain and turn (7, 2 rows) change to body colour
Row 27: SCx7, chain and turn (7)
Row 28: SC2tog, SCx5, chain and turn (6)
Row 29: SC2tog, SCx2, SC2tog, chain and turn (4)
Row 30 - 31: SCx4, chain and turn (4, 2 rows)
Row 32: SC2tog, SCx2, chain and turn (3)
Row 33: SC, SC2tog (2)
Finish off and leave a tail to sew the pieces together and onto the body. For the second piece, don’t need to leave the long tails. Felt the black lines for the embellishment either onto one or both tail pieces according to your preference. Sew the two pieces together and then onto the body. 

Body Sprouts
Large chest sprout
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: SCx6 (6)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x3 (9)
Round 4 - 8: HDCx4, SCx5 (9, 5 rounds) 
Stuff lightly and sew onto the chest

Small chest sprout
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2 - 3: SCx6 (6. 2 rounds)
Stuff lightly and sew onto the chest.

Back sprout
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: SCx6 (6)
Round 3 - 5: HDCx3, SCx3 (6, 3 rounds) 
Stuff lightly and sew onto the upper back/neck.

Leg Sprouts
Make 6, 2 for each of the front legs and 1 for each of the back legs
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: SCx6 (6)
Round 3 - 4: HDCx3, SCx3 (6, 2 rounds)
Stuff each of them lightly. Sew one onto the front and side of each front leg. Sew one on the back of each back leg. 

So apparently this poor baby has been sitting in my room incomplete this entire time because I missed an entire leaf!

DCINC - Double Crochet twice in the same stitch
TCINC - Treble Crochet twice in the same stitch

Forehead Leaf
Dark Green
Make 2

For 1: From the 2nd chain from the hook, SCx8, DCINCx2, [TCINC, TC]x2, DCINCx2, SCx4
Leave a long tail on one of the pieces. Sew the two pieces together and then sew onto the forehead.


  1. Hallo :D I have a question :D Do you know how to make a large leaf in the middle of the head? The original Leafeon has a leaf in the middle of the forehead.

    1. Hello! I can't believe I missed that. I'll have to update the pattern eventually with it when I have time to sit down and design it.

    2. ok I will wait :D My best friend has birthday on 3 August and I wanted to chrochet her this Leafeon :D It would be great if you could make it by 1 or 2 August. Thank you so much :D Its a great pattern. :D see you :D

      - Oli

    3. Pattern has been updated now!

    4. Aww thats so cute :D thank you so much :D my best friend will be happy :D your work is great :D

      - Oli

  2. Do you have a supply list for this pattern

  3. what size hook did you use?

    1. Hello! You should use the yarn and hook that you are comfortable with. For this particular pattern I use DK weight yarn and a 4.00 hook to get a plush that's cuddle size.


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