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#196 Espeon

Hey guys!

I have come back with an espeon pattern this time!

I am slowly working my way through all of the eeveelutions now but I do have a few other patterns that I should throw up very shortly (I hope) as well.

If you like the free patterns that I offer on this blog, you may consider helping me out:

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Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x6 (18)
Round 4: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24) 
Round 5: [2SC, SCx3]x6 (30) 
Round 6: [2SC, SCx4]x6 (36)
Round 7: [2SC, SCx5]x6 (42)
Round 8: [2SC, SCx6]x6 (48) 
Round 9 - 14: SCx48 (48, 6 rounds) 
Round 15: SCx8, 2SCx3, SCx37 (51)
Round 16: SCx51 (51)
Round 17: SCx8, SC2togx3, SCx37 (48)
Round 18: [SC2tog, SCx6]x6 (42) 
Round 19: [SC2tog, SCx5]x6 (36) 
Round 20: [SC2tog, SCx4]x6 (30) 
Round 21: [SC2tog, SCx3]x6 (24) 
Round 22: [SC2tog, SCx2]x6 (18)
Round 23: SCx18 (18)
Round 24: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24)
Round 25 - 26: SCx24 (24, 2 rounds)
Round 27: [2SC, SCx3]x6 (30)
Round 28: DCx15, SCx15 (30)
Leave a long tail to sew to body later. Stuff firmly, making sure to push extra stuffing into the increases in round 17 which is where the nose is.

Starting from the tail end first.
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x6 (18)
Round 4: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24) 
Round 5: [2SC, SCx3]x6 (30) 
Round 6: [2SC, SCx4]x6 (36) 
Round 7 - 18: SCx36 (36, 12 rounds) 
Round 19: [2SC, SCx5]x6 (42) 
Round 20 - 24: SCx42 (42, 5 rounds) 
Round 25: [2SC, SCx6]x6 (48) 
Round 26 - 33: SCx48 (48, 8 rounds) 
Round 34: [SC2tog, SCx6]x6 (42) 
Round 35: [SC2tog, SCx5]x6 (36)  
Round 36: [SC2tog, SCx4]x6 (30) 
Round 37: [SC2tog, SCx3]x6 (24) 
Stuff firmly. 
Round 38: [SC2tog, SCx2]x6 (18) 
Round 39: [SC2tog, SC]x6 (12)
Round 40: SC2togx6 (6)
Sew closed and then end off. 

Front Legs
make 2
From the feet up.
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3 - 6: SCx12 (12, 4 rounds)
Round 7: [2SC, SCx3]x3 (15)
Round 8 - 12: SCx15 (15, 5 rounds) 
Round 13: [2SC, SCx4]x3 (18)
Round 14 - 18: SCx18 (18, 5 rounds)
Round 19 (incomplete round): DCx9. SS.
Finish off and leave a long tail. Stuff and then sew onto the body with the DC on the outside. 

Back Legs - foot
make 2
From the feet up.
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SCx3, SCx3]x2 (18)
Round 4 - 18: SCx18 (18, 15 rounds)
Round 19: [SC2tog, SCx3, SC2togx3, SCx3, SC2togx2 (12)
Stuff firmly.
Round 20: SC2togx6 (6)
Sew closed and leave a tail to sew to the upper leg.

Back Legs - upper leg
make 2
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x6 (18)
Round 4: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24)
Round 5: [2SC, SCx3]x6 (30)
Round 6 - 10: SCx30 (30, 5 rounds)  
Round 11: [SC2tog, SCx3]x6 (24)
Round 12: [SC2tog, SCx2]x6 (18) =
Stuff lightly so itā€™s only half full, flatten slightly and sew onto the body. Then sew the foot onto the side of this piece to complete the whole leg. Embroider on the little toes. 

Make 2
Same colour as rest of the body
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: SCx6 (6)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x3 (9)
Round 4 - 5: SCx9 (9, 2 rounds)
Round 6: [2SC, SCx2]x3 (12)
Round 7: SCx12 (12)
Round 8: [2SC, SCx3]x3 (15)
Round 9 - 10: SCx15 (15, 2 rounds)
Round 11: [2SC, SCx4]x3 (18)
Round 12 - 14: SCx18 (18, 3 rounds)
Round 15: [2SC, SCx5]x3 (21)
Round 16 - 19: SCx21 (21, 4 rounds)
Flatten and sew onto the head. Then adjust the tip so that itā€™s at a slight angle to the rest of the ear.

Darker purple
Make 2
Row 1: CH2, SCx3 in the 2nd stitch from the hook, chain and turn (3)
Row 2: SCx3 chain and turn (3)
Row 3: 2SC, SC, 2SC, chain and turn (5)
Row 4 - 6: SCx5, chain and turn (5, 3 rows)
Row 7: 2SC, SCx3, 2SC, chain and turn (7)
Row 8 - 13: SCx7 chain and turn (7, 6 rows)
Sew onto the inner part of the ear with the bottom lined up with the head. 

Same colour as rest of the body
Make 2
Round 1: CH2, SCx4 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (4)
Round 2 - 3: SCx4 (4. 2 rounds) 
Leave a short tail and put piece aside for now.

Same colour as rest of the body
Make 2
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: SCx6 (6)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x3 (9)
Round 4 - 7: SCx9 (9, 4 rounds) 
Round 8: Insert hook into next stitch of the piece made just before this one. SCx4, then hook back into the current piece, SCx 9 (13)
Round 9: SCx11, SC2tog (12) 
Use the tail from the previous piece to sew up the gap left between the two pieces when crocheting them together.
Round 10: [SC2tog, SCx2]x3 (9)
Stuff lightly just to hold its shape.
Round 11: SCx9 (9)
Round 12: [SC2tog, SC]x3 (6)
Sew onto the front of the ear.

Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: [2SC. SC]x3 (9)
Round 3: SCx9 (9)
Sew onto the centre of the forehead with a little bit of stuffing.

Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3 - 22: SCx12 (12, 20 rounds) 
Finish off, leaving a long tail. Stuff.

Repeat rounds 1 - 22 but do not finish off, continue onto next round.
Round 23: Insert hook into the next stitch of first piece. SCx12, insert hook back into next stitch of current piece, SCx12 (24)
Round 24: [SC2tog, SCx6]x3 (21)
Use the tail from the first piece to sew up the gap between the two tail pieces from round 23.
Round 25: [SC2tog, SCx5]x3 (18)
Round 25: [SC2tog, SCx4]x3 (15)
Round 26: [SC2tog, SCx3]x3 (12)
Stuff the tail up to this point.
Round 27 - 57: SCx12 (12, 30 rounds)
Stuff the tail and then sew onto the back of the body.


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