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#134 Vaporeon

Hey guys!

Back again with another little plush for you guys because I'm on a little small motivational roll. Again, I'm just making a quick post with the instructions. If anything is unclear or if you find any mistakes, drop me an email or a comment and I'll be happy to help!

Eyes are needlefelted on and I embroidered the nose and mouth with black yarn. I went with an ease of creating the collar part this time, it's floppy and completely centered. I may redesign vaporeon in future to have a collar that is higher around the head and shorter around the chin so that it looks more balanced. :)

Light blue

Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x6 (18)
Round 4: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24)
Round 5: [2SC, SCx3]x6 (30)
Round 6: [2SC, SCx4]x6 (36)
Round 7: [2SC, SCx5]x6 (42)
Round 8: [2SC, SCx6]x6 (48)
Round 9 - 13: SCx48 (48, 5 rounds)
Round 14: SCx42, 2SC, SCx5 (49) 
Round 15: SCx42, 2SCx2, SCx5 (51)
Round 16: SCx44, 2SCx3, SCx4 (54)
Round 17: [SC2tog, SCx7]x6 (48)
Round 18: [SC2tog, SCx6]x6 (42)
Round 19: [SC2tog, SCx5]x6 (36)
Round 20: [SC2tog, SCx4]x6 (30)
Round 21: [SC2tog, SCx3]x6 (24)
Stuff firmly and make sure the nose point is in the right place.
Round 22: [SC2tog, SCx2]x6 (18)
Round 23: [SC2tog, SC]x6 (12)
Round 24: SC2togx6 (6)

Sew the head closed and leave a long tail to sew the head to the neck later on.

Dark Blue
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x6 (18)
Round 4: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24)
Round 5: [2SC, SCx3]x6 (30)
Round 6: [2SC, SCx4]x6 (36)
Round 7: [2SC, SCx5]x6 (42)
Round 8: [2SC, SCx6]x6 (48)
Round 9 - 12: SCx48 (48, 4 rounds)
Row 1: SCx7 chain and turn (7)
Row 2: SC2tog, SCx5, chain and turn (6)
Row 3: SC2tog, SCx4 (5)
Row 4: SC2tog, SCx3 (4)
Row 5: SC2tog, SCx2 (3)
Row 5: SC2tog, SC (2)
Row 6: SC2tog (1)

Sew the blue onto the back of the head with the point towards the nose.
Add on the eyes, mouth and nose features the way you wish.

Light blue
Chainx18 and then joint it into a loop with a SS into the first chain.
Then continue to crochet in the round.
Round 1 - 2: SCx18 (18, 2 rounds)
Round 3: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24)
Round 3: SCx24
Leave a long tail to sew the neck to the body.

Light blue
Starting from the tail end first.
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3 - 5: SCx12 (12, 3 rounds)
Round 6: [2SC, SCx3]x3 (15)
Round 7 - 9: SCx15 (15, 3 rounds)
Round 10: [2SC, SCx4]x3 (18)
Round 11 - 16: SCx18 (18, 6 rounds)
Round 17: [2SC, SCx5] (21)
Round 18 - 23: SCx21 (21, 6 rounds)
Round 24: [2SC, SCx6] (24)
Round 25 - 27: SCx24 (24, 3 rounds)
Round 28: [2SC, SCx3]x6 (30)
Round 29 - 31: SCx30 (30, 3 rounds)

Stuff lightly and then continue to the next round.

Round 32: [2SC, SCx4]x6 (36)
Round 32 - 36: HDCx12, SCx 24 (36, 5 rounds)
Round 37 - 48: SCx36 (36, 12 rounds)
Stuff firmly and then continue with the next round.

Round 49: [2SC, SCx5]x6 (42)
Round 50 - 54: SCx42 (42, 5 rounds)
Round 55: [2SC, SCx6]x6 (48)
Round 56 - 63: SCx48 (48, 8 rounds)
Round 64: [SC2tog, SCx6]x6 (42)
Round 65: [SC2tog, SCx5]x6 (36)
Round 66: [SC2tog, SCx4]x6 (30)
Round 67: [SC2tog, SCx3]x6 (24)
Stuff firmly.

Round 68: [SC2tog, SCx2]x6 (18)
Round 69: [SC2tog, SC]x6 (12)
Round 70: SC2togx6 (6)
Sew closed and then end off.  Sew the neck piece onto the body.

Make two. One in light blue and one in white.
For the blue, leave a long tail at the start, for the white, leave a long tail at the end. 
Chainx27 and then joint it into a loop with a SS into the first chain.
Then continue to crochet in the round.
Round 1 - 2: SCx27 (27, 2 rounds)
Round 3: [2SC, SCx8]x3 (30)
Round 4: [2SC, SCx9]x3 (33)
Round 5: [2SC, SCx10]x3 (36)
Round 6: [2SC, SCx5]x6 (42)
Round 7: [2SC, SCx6]x6 (48)
Round 8: [2SC, SCx7]x6 (54)
Round 9: [2SC, SCx8]x6 (60)
Round 10: [2SC, SCx9]x6 (66) 
Round 11: [2SC, SCx10]x6 (72)
Round 12: [2SC, SCx11]x6 (78)
Round 13: [2SC, SCx12]x6 (84)
Round 14: [2SC, SCx13]x6 (90)
Round 15: [SC, HDC, DCx2, HDC, SC]x15 (90)
Round 16: [SCx2, DC, chain, DC, SCx2]x15 (105)

Turn the white piece inside out so the good side is on the inside. Then lay the white inside the blue and sew the white piece around the outside edge. Then use the blue tail and sew onto the body around the neck piece. Stuff the neck piece and sew the head down onto that.

Front Legs
(make 2)
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SCx3, SCx3]x2 (18)
Round 4: [2SC, SC]x3, SCx3 [2SCx SC]x3, SCx3 (24)
Round 5: SCx24 back loop only (this makes a nice flat base for the foot. If you want a rounded foot then crochet in both loops as normal) (24)
Round 6: SCx24 in both loops (24)
Round 7: [SC2tog, SC]x3, SCx15 (21)
Round 8: [SC2tog, SC]x3, SCx12 (18)
Round 9 - 23: SCx18 (18, 15 rounds)

Finish off and leave a long tail to sew the leg to the body. Fold over the inside part of the leg just slightly so it sits nicely against the body. Stuff lightly into the foot, making sure to not overstuff to hold the shape and then firmly stuff up the leg so that there’s enough support to hold up the plush.

Back Legs
(make 2)
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SCx3, SCx3]x2 (18)
Round 4: [2SC, SC]x3, SCx3 [2SCx SC]x3, SCx3 (24)
Round 5: SCx24 back loop only (this makes a nice flat base for the foot. If you want a rounded foot then crochet in both loops as normal) (24)
Round 6: SCx24 in both loops (24)
Round 7: [SC2tog, SC]x3, SCx15 (21)
Round 8: [SC2tog, SC]x3, SCx12 (18)
Round 9: SCx18 (18)
Round 10 - 17: SSx7, SCx9, SSx2 (18, 8 rounds) 
Round 18 - 20: SSx9, SCx9 (18, 3 rounds)
Round 21: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24)
Round 22: [2SC, SCx3]x6 (30)
Round 23 - 27: SCx30 (30, 5 rounds) 
Round 28: [SC2tog, SCx3]x6 (24)
Round 29: [SC2tog, SCx2]x6 (18)
Stuff the leg and foot portion quite firmly but in the upper rounded leg part, half stuff as the leg is sewn on at an angle like the front leg. Sew onto the body with a long tail.

Back Spikes
HDC Shell stitch
Row 1: From 2nd chain from the hook, SCx56 (56)
Row 2: Chain 1 and turn. [Skip 1 stitch, HDCx5, Skip 1 stitch, SS] repeat until the end
Leave a long tail and then sew down the back.

Make 2
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: SCx6 (6)
Round 3: 2SCx2, SCx4 (8)
Round 4: SCx8 (8)
Round 5: [2SC, SC]x2, SCx4 (10)
Round 6: [2SC, SCx2]x2, SCx4 (12)
Round 7: [2SC, SCx3]x2, SCx4 (14)
Round 8: [2SC, SCx4]x2, SCx4 (16)
Round 7: [2SC, SCx5]x2, SCx4 (18) 
Round 8 - 11: SCx18 (18, 4 rounds) 
Round 12: [SC2tog, SC]x6 (12)
Stuff lightly so that it can still be slightly flattened to make a fin shape.
Round 13: SC2togx6 (6)
Leave a long tail.

Use one of the long tails to sew the two fin pieces together. Then use the other tail to sew to the tail end of the vaporeon.

Head Fins (side)
Make 2
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: SCx6 (6)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x3 (9)
Round 4 - 5: SCx9 (9, 2 rounds)
Round 6: [2SC, SCx2]x3 (12)
Round 7 - 9: SCx12 (12, 3 rounds)
Round 10: [2SC, SCx3]x3 (15)
Round 11 - 12: SCx15 (15, 2 rounds)
Sew onto the head.

Make 2
Chain 4
Row 1: From the 2nd chain from the hook, SCx3 (3)
Row 2: Chain and turn, 2SCx3 (6)
Row 3 - 4: Chain and turn, SCx6 (6, 2 rows)
Row 5: Chain and turn, [2SC, SC]x3 (9)
Rpw 6 - 8: Chain and turn, SCx9 (9, 3 rows)
Row 9: Chainx2 and turn, DC, SCx2, TC, Chainx1, SCx2, TC, Chainx1, [2SC and TC in the same last stitch]

Finish off with a long tail. Surface crochet or chain a row of yellow and stitch onto the front of the piece for the raised embellishment. I chained one row of 20 and sewed it as a V shape onto the ear piece. Sew onto the blue portion and onto the head.

Head Fin (top)
Start by leaving a long tail, then Chainx14 (You can start by not leaving the long tail but I leave a long tail at the start of this fin because I don’t like weaving in short tails at the end)

Row 1: From the 2nd chain from the hook, SCx13 (13)
Row 2: Chain and turn, SCx11, SC2tog (12)
Row 3: Chain and turn, SCx10, SC2tog (11)
Row 4: Chain and turn, SCx11 (11)
Row 5: Chain and turn, SCx9, SC2tog (10)
Row 6 - 7: Chain and turn. SCx10 (10)
Row 8: Chain and turn, SC2tog, SCx8 (9)
Row 9: Chain and turn, SCx9 (9)
Row 10: Chain and turn. SCx8, 2SC (10)
Row 11: Chain and turn, SCx10 (10)
Row 12: Chain and turn, SC2tog, SCx6, SC2tog (8)
Row 13: Chain and turn, SCx8 (8)
Row 15: Chain and turn, SC2tog, SCx6 (7)
Row 16: Chain and turn, SC2tog, SCx3, SC2tog (5)
Row 17: Chain and turn, SCx5 (5)
Row 18: Chain and turn, SC2tog, SC, SC2tog (3)
Row 19: Chain and turn. SCx3 (3)
Row 20: Chain and turn, SC3tog
Leave a long tail.

Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2 - xx: SCx6
Continue crocheting in the round until there is a long blue tube which is long enough to be sewn to the front of the fin and leave a tail. Use the long tail from the tip of the fin to sew to tube. Finish off that yellow. Then use the blue tail to sew the tube part to the head and the remaining yellow tail (the original starting tail of the fin) to sew the remainder of the fin to the head.


  1. what is the yarn and hook size you used?

    1. Hi! It's always best to use the hook size that beat fits the yarn you get to crochet a nice piece that doesn't have too many gaps and can be nicely stuffed. In my sample I used DK weight yarn and the best hook for me is the 4.0

  2. How tall is he ? I want something about 10 " high or there about.

    1. Hello! So sorry, I wasn't able to respond until now. It's about the same size as my Litten which is

    2. Litten length nose to tail end: 30.5cm (12 inches) and height going from tip of the ear down to feet: 26cm (10 inches) tall.


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