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#158 Totodile

Hey everyone!
I'm back with another pattern from pokemon!

I had a lot of fun making this one although the shaping can get a little difficult.
This one is 16cm (6 1/2 inches) tall. 20cm (8 inches) from nose tip to tail tip.

As usual, I used DK weight yarn with a 4.00 G sized hook. I also used needlefelting tools for the eyes but this isn't necessary if you like to embroider on details. I do like to go over the eyes with he needlefelting tools just to flatten them a bit.

Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x6 (18)
Round 4: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24)
Round 5: [2SC, SCx3]x6 (30)
Round 6: [2SC, SCx4]x6 (36)
Round 7 - 18: SCx36 (36, 12 rounds)
Round 19: [2SC, SCx5]x6 (42)  
Round 20 - 23: SCx42 (42, 4 rounds)
Round 24: [2SC, SCx6]x6 (48)  
Round 25 - 27: SCx48 (48, 3 rounds)
Round 28: [2SC, SCx7]x3, SCx24 (51)
Round 29 - 31: SCx51 (54, 3 rounds)
I added a stitch marker to round 31 at about stitch 13. This is just to show the front of the pokemon when sewing the markings and mouth pieces on.
Round 32: [2SC, SCx7]x3, SCx27 (54)
Round 33 - 35: SCx54 (54, 3 rounds)  
Round 36: [SC2tog, SCx7]x6 (48)
Round 37: [SC2tog, SCx6]x6 (42)
Round 38: [SC2tog, SCx5]x6 (36)
Round 39: [SC2tog, SCx4]x6 (30)
Round 40: [SC2tog, SCx3]x6 (24)
Round 41: [SC2tog, SCx2]x6 (18)
Stuff firmly.
Round 42: [SC2tog, SC]x6 (12)
Round 43: SC2togx6 (6)
Sew closed and finish.

Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: SCx6 (6)
Round 3: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 4 - 6: SCx12 (12, 3 rounds)
Round 7: [2SC, SC]x6 (18)
Round 8 - 10: SCx18 (18, 3 rounds)
Round 11: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24)
Round 12 - 14: SCx24 (24, 3 rounds)
Round 15: [2SC, SCx3]x6 (30)
Round 16 - 18: SCx30 (30, 3 rounds)
Row 1: SCx15 chain and turn
Row 2: SCx15
Finish off and stuff firmly. Sew to the body with the rows on the bottom.

Pink Triple Spike
Make 2
Row 1: From the 2nd chain from the hook, SCx3, chain and turn (3)
Row 2: SCx3, chain and turn (3)
Row 3: SC3tog
Finish off

Chain 5
Row 1: From the 2nd chain from the hook, SCx4, chain and turn (4)
Row 2: SCx4, chain and turn (4)
Row 3: SC2togx2 chain and turn(2)
Row 4: SCx2 chain and turn(2)
Row 5: SC2tog

Join a stitch onto one of the bottom corners (end of the original chain) of one of the smaller triangles. SC along and then join to the bottom corner or the bigger triangle. SC across and join to the last small tringle.  You can then sew to the body as is, weaving in all the loose threads or you can do what I did and SC along the top edge to finish off.

When SC along the top edge, I 3SC into the tips to round off the tops. I then also SC2tog in the joins between the triangles with one of the stitches on the first triangle and the 2nd stitch on the 2nd triangle and then SC them together that way to make sure there’s no gap and the triangles are attached strongly to each other.

Single Spike
Row 1: From the 2nd chain from the hook, SCx3, chain and turn (3)
Row 2: SCx3, chain and turn (3)
Row 3: SC3tog
Finish off
Like the other spikes, I then joined the yarn back on the bottom right corner and SC around to make it smooth and then sewed it onto the tail.

Lines that go down the back next to the triple spikes
Make 2
Row 1: Starting 2nd stitch from the hook, SCx10
I then SC back into the first stitch going around the turn to give it a nice point on both sides.
Sew onto the body one stripe on each side of the triple spike.

Make 2
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x6 (18)
Round 4: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24)
Round 5: [2SC, SCx3]x6 (30)
Round 6 - 15: SCx30 (30, 10 rounds)
Flatten and sew to the body in a slightly curved shape. The bottom mouth piece was sewed on as a more rounded flat bottom piece. The top mouth piece was slightly more triangular on the top as per the design.

Eye Piece
In the same blue as the rest of the body
Make 2
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x6 (18)
Round 4: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24)
Round 5 - 6: SCx24 (24, 2 rounds)
Round 7: Chain 13, SCx12 starting from the 2nd hook from the chain, SCx24 (36)
Round 8: SCx11 (using the loops on the other side of the chain), 3SC (around the tip), SCx36 (50)
Round 9 - 13: SCx50 (50, 5 rounds)
Leave a long tail and sew to the head with the chain extension matching the top mouth piece. The first few rounds will poke up a bit from the top of the original head piece. Sew the piece down with this part still protruding to give the extra shaping. Also, sew the chain extension from the 2nd round so that this sticks out a little as well, giving a little ridge effect along the top part of the mouth.

If you carefully sew the piece onto the head matching the rows and stitches, you can just about make this additional piece disappear into the original head shape. When I attached the second piece, I left a slightly longer tail so I could also run some thread between the second and first piece to keep the shaping as I wanted it.

Nose Piece
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x6 (18)
Round 4 - 6: SCx18 (18, 3 rounds)
Round 7: [SC2tog, SC]x6 (12)
Round 8: SC2togx6 (6)
Flatten and sew to the front of the top mouth.

Inside Mouth
Make 2
Row 1: CH2, SCx4 in the 2nd stitch from the hook, chain and turn (4)
Row 2: 2SCx4, chain and turn (8)
Row 3: [2SC, SC]x4, chain and turn (12)
Row 3: [2SC, SCx2]x4, chain and turn (16)
Then turn the piece and crochet along the flat edge.
SC as many times as you can comfortably across that edge and then chain and turn. Then keep crocheting straight rows until you have enough to cover the inside of the mouth. One piece on the bottom and one piece on the top.  Sew both pieces into the mouth allowing the back part to overlap and cover up the blue body.

Dark Pink
Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3 - 7: SCx12 (12, 5 rounds)
Leave a long tail and sew into the mouth.

Make 2 - for the top
Round 1: CH2, SCx3 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (3)
Round 2: 2SCx3 (6)
Round 3: SCx6 (6)
Or you can crochet as many rounds as you want to make the teech bigger or smaller. Leave a tail and sew into the teeth spots in the mouth.

Make 6
Round 1: CH2, SCx4 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (4)
This creates a semi circle. Fold that in half and sew it so it’s a claw shape and sew to the foot.

Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: 2SCx3, SCx3, 2SCx3, SCx3 (18)
Add a stitch marker on the 4th last stitch of the round. This is where you join the black in the next step. Finish off the white and leave a long tail to sew the white parts of the eye onto the head.

Join black
SC in the same stitch where you joined. Then continue:
Row 1: DC, TC, DC, SC
Finish off leaving a tail to sew the black portion onto the head.
Then join again 7 stitches away and repeat. Sew into the head with the corresponding yarn coloured tails.

Chain 6
Row 1: From 2nd chain from hook, SCx5
Sew onto the eyes.
Needlefelt some black for the pupil and then some white on top for the reflection point.

Front Pattern
Cream/Pale Yellow
Row 1: From the 2nd chain from the hook. SCx5 chain and turn
Row 2: SCx5, chain and turn
Row 3: SC2tog, SCx2, 2SC chain and turn
Row 4: SCx5, chain and turn
Row 5: SC2tog, SCx2, 2SC chain and turn
Row 6: SCx5, chain and turn
Row 7: SC2tog, SCx2, 2SC chain and turn
Row 8: SCx5, chain and turn
Row 9: SC2tog, SCx2, 2SC chain and turn
Row 10: SCx5, chain and turn
Row 11: SC2tog, SCx2, 2SC chain and turn
Row 12: SCx5, chain and turn
Row 13: SC2tog, SCx2, 2SC chain and turn
Row 14: SCx5, chain and turn
Row 15: 2SC, SCx2, SC2tog, chain and turn
Row 16: SCx5 chain and turn
Row 17: 2SC, SCx2, SC2tog, chain and turn
Row 18: SCx5 chain and turn
Row 19: 2SC, SCx2, SC2tog, chain and turn
Row 20: SCx5 chain and turn
Row 21: 2SC, SCx2, SC2tog, chain and turn
Row 22: SCx5 chain and turn
Row 23: 2SC, SCx2, SC2tog, chain and turn
Row 24: SCx5 chain and turn
Row 26: 2SC, SCx2, SC2tog, chain and turn
Row 26: SCx5 chain and turn

Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3 - 4: SCx12 (12, 2 rounds)
Round 5: [2SC, SC]x6 (18)
Round 6 - 15: SCx18 (18, 10 rounds)

I find it easier to stuff first and then add the fingers. Some people might find it easier without the stuffing. This is surface crocheted onto the end of the arms between rounds 2 and 3.
Join the same body colour thread with a SS. Chain 3, then SCx2 from the second chain from the hook. SC to the next stitch. Then repeat until you have 5 fingers.

At the third finger, I moved from that round and SC into the stitch between round 3 and 4 to make the fingers spread nicer. After the last finger, join with a SS instead of an SC. Weave in the tails and finish. Then sew the arm to the body.

Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: 2SCx6 (12)
Round 3: [2SC, SC]x6 (18)
Round 4: [2SC, SCx2]x6 (24)
Round 5: [2SC, SCx3]x6 (30)
Round 6 - 9: SCx30 (30, 4 rounds)  
Round 10: [SC2tog, SCx3]x6 (24)
Stuff firmly and sew to the body.

Round 1: CH2, SCx6 in the 2nd stitch from the hook (6)
Round 2: SCx6 (6)
Round 3:  [2SC, SC]x3 (9)
Round 4 - 5 : SCx9 (9, 2 rounds)  
Round 6: [2SC, SCx2]x3 (12)
Round 7 - 14: SCx12 (12, 8 rounds)
Leave a tail. Press flat and sew the opening closed then use the tail to sew to the body. Use a piece of black thread to embroider on the separation for the toes.


  1. This is beautiful. Thanks for posting it for free. I really appreciate free patterns :)


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